Master’s theses

Virginia Capone: Building on the Built
Master’s thesis TU Graz / Politecnico di Milano 2023 

Adaptive Reuse, Typology,
Design Research,

Double Degree thesis 
co-tutored with Prof. Gennaro Postiglione 

Dennis Baumgartner: Simple et radical 
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2023
Adaptive Reuse, Typology,
Design Research,

Valentin Moser: Die Summe einzelner Teile
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2023
Adaptive Reuse, Typology,
Design Research,
Mixed-Use, (Sub-)Urbanism

Paula Möller: (Un)Ordnung – Periphere Räume in Transformation 
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2023
Adaptive Reuse, Typology,
Housing, Mixed-Use, (Sub-)Urbanism

Bernhard Ogrisek: Das Infra-Gewöhnliche – Alltagsfragmente des Grazer Umlands
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2022

Design Research,

Michael Karnutsch: Wohn- und Freizeitpark Grenzgasse 
Masterthesis TU Graz 2022
︎GAD Award 2022

Design Research,
Typology, Housing,

Zerina Dzubur: Der Spanische Platz in Mostar
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2022

Design Research, Urban Design, Urbanism

Thomas Rogl: Kongresszentrum Bad Gastein
Masterthesis TU Graz 2022  

Brutalist Heritage, Renovation, Adaptive Reuse, Tourism

Matthias Johannes Holzner: Club Caracalla
Masterthesis TU Graz 2021
Hertitage Protection, Design Research, Speculation, Adaptive Reuse

Maike Gold: Grammatik einer Industrielandschaft
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020
︎ GAD Awards 2021
Design Research, Typology, (Sub-)Urbanism 

Ajna Babahmetović: Houses at Home. Architecture of Displacement
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020

Design Research, Typology, (Sub-)Urbanism

Markus Pöll: Stadtquartier Jakominiplatz
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020
Urbanism, Typlogy, Mixed-Use

Jakob Zöbl: Palimpsest 
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020

︎1st Prize GAD Awards 2020

Design Research, Typology, Infrastructure,
Heritage Protection

Anna Müller: Ein Hotel im Wandel
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020 


Design Research, Transformation, Adaptive Reuse, Tourism

Anna-Lena Proksch: hortus patens
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020

Design Research, Housing, Mixed-Use, Religion

Georg Scherrer: Forum Schiffslände
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2020

Design Research, Urban Design, Typology, Culture, Mixed-Use

Johann Quechenberger: Bauen in der Mitte - Dorfzentrum von Bad Vigaun
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2019

Design Research, Urban Design, Typology, Culture, Mixed-Use

Design Research, Urban Design, Typology, Culture, Mixed-Use

Double Degree thesis co-tutored w/ Prof. Domenico Chizzoniti

Antun Jankovic: Perpetual Peace. An architectural sketch
Master’s thesis TU Graz 2018 

Design Research, Urban Design, Typology, Culture, Mixed-Use

Stefan Perperschlager: Guilt and innocence – Learning from a Biedermeier house in Braunau
Masterthesis TU Graz 2018

Design Research, Urban Design, Typology, Culture, Mixed-Use

Ena Kukic: Kenopsia - Sarajevo War Tunnel Museum 
Masterthesis TU Graz 2017

︎1st Prize GAD Awards 18
︎Finalist Archiprix Hunter Douglas Award 2019

Design Research, Urban Design, Typology, Culture, Mixed-Use

Rebekka Hirschberg: YZ HKG. A Tale of Two Cities,
Masterthesis TU Graz 2017

︎ Vimeo

Design Research, Narrative Architecture

Lisa Marie Hafner: Hong Kong Twin Factory. A Memory Lesson in Architecture
Masterthesis TU Graz 2017


Design Research, Mixed-Use, Urban Factory

Matthias Wild: Factory for Collective Dwelling
Masterthesis TU Graz 2017


Adaptive Reuse, Industrial, Housing

Design Research, Typology, Mixed-Use, Urbanism
Culture, Commercial, Civic, Infrastructure

Design Research, Typology, Commercial & Civic

Helena Beljan & Nikola Jankovic: Fiat Claustrum. A monastery for the Anachorets in Split, Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2016


Design Research, Typology, Religion

Vedran Zonic: Sveucilisna Bolnica Zagreb – reconstruction, extension and conversion of a hospital ruin from 1980 
Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2016


Adaptive Reuse, Transformation, Health Care, Education

Morana Mazuran: Large form Novi Zagreb. A model for a new collectivity
Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2016


Design Research, Typology, Housing, Urbanism

Christoph W. Pirker: Analogue landscape. Approaches to the lost space of the indefinite,
Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2015

︎1st Prize GAD Awards 2016

Design Research


Counterintuitive Typologies
Research Group

Associate Professor
Dr. Andreas Lechner

TU Graz / Faculty of Architecture
Institute of Design & Building Typology
Lessingstrasse 25/IV
A-8010 Graz, Austria

T   +43 316 873 6298 

︎︎︎Instagram @counterintuitive_typologies

︎︎︎Graz University of Technology

TU Graz

Funded by
︎︎︎FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency

Last update: 27/08/202

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